This chart shows the relationship between employees' levels of experience and their corresponding salaries. It can help us understand how experience translates into salary growth opportunities within the organization, which can inform our talent development and compensation strategies.
Uniphar Group
Arrow Electronics
Futures Works Global
Our data indicates that the highest pay for a Program Manager is $160k / year
Our data indicates that the lowest pay for a Program Manager is $100k / year
Obtaining advanced certifications makes the professional profile more attractive, having certification in PMP, professional project management or an MBA is a good option.
Explore opportunities as an independent consultant or in consulting firms, these positions receive significantly higher incomes, since the rate per hour can vary and it is possible to work on various projects.
Build a network of professional contacts by participating in conferences, seminars or industry events. Look for remote work in international markets, as salaries may be more competitive.
Experience in different sectors of the industry makes the professional profile more visible, because it is considered to have extensive knowledge and adapt to the needs of each industry.
Building a broad portfolio demonstrates the skills and tools you have, which is why participating in various projects helps develop a robust portfolio.