With in-depth information about each company's remote policy and its offers, we help job seekers find an opportunity that is fully aligned with their lifestyle.
DOWNLOAD MEDIA KITJobgether is the global search engine that finds all remote work opportunities, not just on a country basis, and calculates “flex score” rankings of the real remote flexibility on offer. Flex scores are based on 27 criteria and are dynamically calculated for every job and company. As demand for remote roles continues to grow, skilled talent gets to see and pick the best global opportunities, while employers with a genuine remote working culture can shine in front of the widest global talent pool.
Jobgether provides clear and transparent job descriptions, allowing talent to evaluate a company and job openings. With our product, we address global talent imbalances, diversity and inclusion challenges, and new lifestyle expectations. Job seekers get all the details needed to find a position fully aligned with lifestyles such as digital nomads, neo-rurals, people with disabilities and working parents.
Jobgether was co-founded in May 2020 by Juan Bourgois, Arnaud Devigne, Alex Hernandez and Alexis Rodríguez and went live in June 2021.
Co-founder and co-CEO
Arnaud Devigne is the former head of business marketing for Google France and Managing Director of Indeed France, which he launched and drove to be the #1 player in the French recruitment market in under three years.
Arnaud has worked remotely for 10+ years and has a passion for “Future of Work” topics, which he discovered he shared with his co-founder Juan Bourgois, whom he met remotely on LinkedIn. In particular, they believe that the office as we know it is dead and should be replaced by a more flexible paradigm. As a single parent with a six-year-old daughter, he has direct experience with how remote working improves inclusivity.
He brings more than 25 years of experience in digital tech, with a mix of consulting, executive, and entrepreneurship roles. He has advised the French Ministry of Finance on talent acquisition strategy and was a candidate in 2019 to be the Mayor of Marseille, France, where he lives and works. Arnaud has an MBA from the University of Ottawa, Canada, and Masters in marketing from Sciences Po, Paris, and management from Paris Dauphine.
Co-founder and co-CEO
Juan Bourgois is convinced that the future of work requires employers to become more respectful about people's lives. And with first hand experience of the difficulties of recruiting talent for international companies, he resigned from a C-level role in a global multi-national in 2020 to co-found global remote work search engine Jobgether with Arnaud Devigne.
Juan started his career in Finance, which he studied at the University of Mons, Belgium. His first professional role was at the global food services and facilities management group, Sodexo Belgium, as Senior Financial Controller. Within four years he was promoted to International Development CFO, working from the Paris HQ, with responsibility for developing new greenfield and M&A geographies. After opening, restructuring and launching several new businesses across the globe, he became Sodexo country manager for Colombia and later moved to London as European CFO for Sodexo's homecare business, from which position he resigned at age 34 to become an entrepreneur.
He has lived in more than 10 countries and spends most of his free time with his two daughters. He is passionate about fighting against climate change and believes remote work will be essential for companies to reach their carbon neutrality goals.
Co-founder and Director of Sales
Alexandre is based in Madrid. He began his career in London in the world of recruitment and developed the company in France and Belgium. In April 2018, he was promoted to Country Director and opened the company's French subsidiary in Paris. At 33, and during the covid crisis, he resigned, moved to Madrid with his family and co-founded Jobgether. He is also committed to helping France/Spain relations by supporting French startups to set up in Madrid. Finally, he is working, as a founding member, on the project to open the French Tech Madrid office.
Co-founder and CTO
Alexis is based in Bogota. Born and raised in Venezuela, started his career working for big advertising agencies in Caracas, developing web pages, applications BTL integrations for brands like P&G, Empresas Polar, General Mills, Lipton and Sodexo. In 2018, he decided to migrate to Bogota due to the social and economic situation of his country where he co-founded Jobgether.