About QA Higher Education I.T. Conference 2018
ICT & Cyber Security: Cyber Security Awareness, Capability Building and Skills for the Digital Age
Hosted by: QA Higher Education & Northumbria University London
Date: Friday 27 July
Venue: Transcorp Hilton, Abuja, Nigeria
Time: 09:00 – 17:00
Would you like to listen to industry experts, academics and, senior government executives speaking about the skills and talent for the digital age?
By attending QA Higher Education’s ICT & Cyber Security conference you will gain a deeper understanding of how ICT is creating opportunities that are changing our world. This conference aims to bring together insights from international Cyber Security and ICT experts to discuss topics including how to use sophisticated intelligence to thwart the proliferation of cyber crime on economic development, to tackle crime reduction, and to protect sovereignty.
Who should attend?
Business owners
Risk managers
Heads of department
Heads of Cyber Security/ICT
Policy makers
Employees working in IT, HR, Security or risk management
Head of Academics
This conference has been specifically designed for those who are interested in how ICT and Cyber Security affects you, your business, private lives, your intellectual property, your organisation, your IT systems and your country.
What will the conference cover?
We will be exploring opportunities that address several areas in ICT:
- Skill and Talent for the New Digital Age : Fintech, Blockchain, IOT, AI, Big Data, Data science, Cloud Computing,
Software development, Project Management and Business Intelligence
- Contemporary digital issues: Digital Oil, Automation, Cyber Warfare, Data Protection(GDPR)
- IT Security Investment policies, Identify theft and Cyber Profiling
- It Leadership Managing ICT & Cyber Security
- Workforce planning and capability building in the digital age
- The future of Digital Forensics :- Emerging threats to E-security
- Academic Innovation in ICT
- We call on Cyber experts seeking international opportunities in Cyber Security to attend our career workshop
where we will be discussing live job opportunities
- We call on prospective students looking to seek further education in Cyber Security to come and hear about our
100% scholarship scheme.
Keynote Speaker: Ryan Ackroyd (Cyber Security Expert)
Ryan has a wealth of experience within the Cyber industry. Ryan helps secure, defend systems and share his knowledge through training. Ryan joined QA in 2016 as a Cyber Security Trainer and Security Researcher where he continues to educate customers and support in expanding QA’s already comprehensive suite of Cyber courses.
To find out more about sponsorship packages for the event, please email QAHE.Africa@qa.com and a member of the team will contact you to discuss your sponsorship options.
Key Note Speaker: Dr Isa Ali Pantami ( Director General - NITDA)
Dr Pantami lectured Information Technology before being appointed as the director of the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA). His directive for NITDA upon employment was to develop the ICT infrastructure in the Nigeria.
Pantami has received several awards including “ICT Promoter of the Year 2017" in London in recognition of "positive contributions to the ICT revolution in Nigeria, youth empowerment & good governance.
£245 per delegate
Special rate offers
Discounts of up to 20% will be given for bookings made for 5 or more attendees
Register online: http://www.qahighereducation.com/qa-higher-education-it-conference/