About ETH juniors
Since 1997 ETH juniors has been building a major bridge between university and industry.ETH juniors unites outsourcing, project management, as well as a platform for recruiting and event marketing. We build a bridge between theory and practice, between university and industry. ETH juniors is the junior enterprise of ETH Zurich and is ranked among the top three of 200 junior enterprises in Europe. Led by motivated students, ETH juniors conducts projects for companies, analyses various sets of problems and develops creative solutions. ETH juniors carries out tasks for national SMEs as well as international enterprises, which require additional employees within a short period of time or are in need of some particular knowledge. Thus, new ideas are generated and integrated from a new, unbiased point of view.As a link between university and industry, ETH juniors brings interested students closer to your company while at the same time promoting your enterprise at ETH – a win-win-situation.