Atom Learning is looking for exceptional freelance tutors with experience teaching at Key Stage 2 level and/or 11+.
Tuition is different at Atom: All students have access to Atom Nucleus, our award-winning, adaptive learning platform. This means learning continues for students outside of tutorials, and Atom tutors get data-driven insights on strengths and areas for improvement so their tutorials become even more productive!
Atom Learning operates as an employment business and engages self employed Tutors under a contract for services. This means that tutors are not employed by Atom Learning and responsible for paying their own tax and National Insurance contributions to HMRC.
Tutor Testimonials
"Working as a tutor at Atom has been a fulfilling journey so far. I've rapidly grown my client base through Atom and the Atom software makes it simple and efficient to track students' progress, set homework and prepare lessons. I love the variety in the work: every student is unique so no two lessons are ever the same. This keeps the work really fun and engaging. Witnessing my students' progress and receiving gratitude from both students and parents has been truly fulfilling. I also cherish the opportunity to build lasting relationships with students and their families." - Lya L, Atom Tutor
"The tutor portal is an invaluable tool, giving you confidence that you are tailoring your teaching to the needs of your students.
From your home page, you can set work and review students’ homework. Clicking through to individual pupils, you will find details of their progress by curriculum area.
Tutor Portal suggests topics your students need to work on, making planning your lessons and tracking your students’ progress straightforward." - Judith H, Atom Tutor
Association of Test Preparation, Admissions, and Private Tutoring