Job Title - Architecture/Design/
Location - Chicago, Illinois(REMOTE)
Job Description:
• They should have the ability to dive deeper into the code structure.
o Must have r/w access to version control.
• Understand .NET stack.
o What is a .NET stack.
o Basic understanding of the framework :
Common Intermediate Language (CIL)
Common Language Runtime. (CLR)
Machine code.
• Ability to spin up local development environment
o Clone the code from version control (git)
o Standup a standalone environment using the latest production code.
o Understand the application tier.
o Understand the database tier.
o Understand other components and how it is instrumented.
o Understand UI tier and how its communicating with application tier.
o Understand where business functions code is located (DB and App tier).
• Understand all the infrastructure around production environment.
o Application tier : Number of hosts participating.
o UI tier : Number of host participating to service UI requests.
o DB tier : Number of Host(s) involved.
o Understand basic Network architecture (VLAN).
• Understand Infrastructure level metrics for performance SLA :
o Basic understanding of host level metrics
o Basic understanding of Database performance profile.
Database top 10 queries performance profile.
Elapsed time.
I/O wait time.
CPU time.
Database events.
Query Plan profile.
• Understand Application (using development or testing environment)
o Login to application and navigate some basic steps.
o Understand the Connect between UI action , App tier and DB.
o monitoring.
Using Dynatrace tool to understand response time.
How to use Dynatrace during troubleshooting sessions.
• Understand Application testing process.
• As they get comfortable, I would expect them to fix minor fixes and check in the production quality code.
Cision France
Intuition Machines
Argus Labs