Regional Tax & Controller Coordinator
The Open English brand has been a leader in online English language learning for 15 years. The Next U brand, acquired in 2016, also provides a leading online learning platform focused on high-demand digital and tech skills such as web and app development, digital marketing, and design. We are proud to be a global education technology (EdTech) leader offering online language learning to adults and children through its Open English Junior brand, as well as various online certificates in digital, technology, and business specializations. We are currently in over 25 countries on 3 continents.
Join us, and be a part of our innovative team dedicated to empowering our students. We continuously seek the best professionals in their fields to join our talented team. We offer opportunities to collaborate and implement new ideas in a cheerful and inspiring work.
The Regional Controller & Tax Coordinator role is related to some countries in LATAM and Turkey operations, including general supervision of the recorded financial and tax activities, Tax and local compliance, and payment execution. Secondly, it supervises cash reporting (daily position, cash forecast), and the booked activity. Also, supervises consolidated company accruals and journal entries across Latam Countries, prepaid amortization booking, and cost allocations. The role requires direct communication & and reporting with the Latam Senior Controller and sometimes indirect communication with the corporate Finance team, as well as direct contact with internal administrative teams (Human resources, IT, Administration, and Sales among other key departments), and manage outsourced accounting (B.P.O), tax and auditing firms, and other service providers for the countries assigned.
Preferred Qualifications:
A successful candidate for this role will demonstrate the following personal skills and attributes:
En cumplimiento de la normatividad aplicable en materia de protección de datos personales, autorizo de manera previa, expresa e informada a Colombia ESL S.A.S. a que los datos personales que suministro sean recolectados en unas bases de datos en las que Colombia ESL S.A.S. actuará como responsable, para realizar el tratamiento, transmisión o transferencia a mis datos de acuerdo con la Política de tratamiento de datos personales*. El tratamiento se realiza para las siguientes finalidades: gestiones de intermediación laboral; emisión de informes, investigación y desarrollo, transferencia y/o transmisión a terceros nacionales o extranjeros, incluso en países que no cuentan con niveles adecuados de protección, envío de mensajes o contacto telefónico para verificar su identidad, notificaciones o con finalidades de publicidad. He leído y comprendo lo anteriormente escrito, doy autorización para el tratamiento de mis datos personales.
DXC Technology