We are seeking a GIS Data Manager who will upgrade and implement changes to vector and raster geodatabases including Esri Roads and Highways. Provides ETL functions for processing data into Esri geodatabases through Esri Model Builder, Workflow Manager,and SafeSoftware FME. Will be responsible for ensuring geodatabase data integrity and quality including publishing metadata, validating data update cycle and reporting data quality issues to data stewards.
- Performs geospatial data processing/ETL and publishing of data into enterprise geodatabases
- Maintains currency of enterprise geodatabase data and metadata
- Performs geodatabase monitoring, administration, configuration, tuning, and performance in-hand with GDOT
Database Administrators; ensure completion of data updates
- Develops geodatabases, and spatial views in hand with GDOT Data Architects
- Provides data dictionary and entity relationship diagrams for geodatabases
- Controls geodatabase access, security, and retention
- Troubleshoots and provides end user support for data compression, versioning, and multi-user workflows
- Creates and supports GIS scheduled jobs (ActiveBatch)
Work Terms and Conditions:
- Candidate will be working with the GDOT Office of IT Applications. Candidates will work with supporting IT
team members (database, network, server, etc.) and interact with business units. The candidate will follow
internal GDOT standards and accept best practices for developed solutions.
- The position end date is set for the end of the Georgia DOT fiscal year. Georgia DOT may exercise the option
to renew contracts in one-year increments. Several successful consultants have continued working for several
years with contract extensions. However, Georgia DOT is under no obligation to extend contracts and may
terminate employment at any time.
- For local candidates, Georgia DOT will reimburse authorized travel expenses lodging, and meals. Georgia
DOT will reimburse authorized travel use of personal vehicle use. Any travel expenses to relocate to Atlanta,
GA or in order to start work will not be reimbursed. All travel expense reimbursement shall be in accordance
with State
-The Department has 12 holidays, and consultants are not allowed to work nor make up any time for those
holiday weeks without management's approval. Consultants are not to take extended leave during their first
year of service (e.g. 2 weeks or greater).
- Consultant must have a cell phone which can be used for business calls.
- GDOT does not provide free parking. All routine commuting expenses are the responsibility of the candidate.
Ora, Inc.
Precision For Medicine
Precision For Medicine