HYROS is looking to hiring a head of outreach.
This role would involve figuring out ways to generate lists of potential clients for HYROS, contact them and either close them to deals OR get them on a call with a sales rep.
To start we would prefer to focus simply on generating list and getting the potential client on the line with one of our reps.
There are many cultural fits for this job that will be reviewed when we do the initial interviews.
We are also looking for someone who has experience with the HYROS brand already or our style of marketing. This is why we are keeping this brief.
However, at this stage we are looking solely for past results in a similar industry. We sell B2B services to companies that run ads on the internet. We are looking for someone who has ran cold outreach in the past for a similar company and successfully booked high value calls that lead to sales.
We have extremely competitive pay. You can work remotely. If you are the right person we can discuss your needs and meet them on the call.
LifeMagic Group