This chart shows the relationship between employees' levels of experience and their corresponding salaries. It can help us understand how experience translates into salary growth opportunities within the organization, which can inform our talent development and compensation strategies.
Housecall Pro
Brilliant Earth
Our data indicates that the highest pay for a Business Analyst is $121k / year
Our data indicates that the lowest pay for a Business Analyst is $78k / year
Staying up to date with industry trends makes your professional profile more attractive and increases the possibilities of acquiring new projects.
Having a wide network of contacts in the industry helps create visibility for your profile and can lead to consideration for other job opportunities. To make this possible, you must maintain constant communication with your network and contribute knowledge to conversations or events.
Develop skills in data analysis and know business intelligence tools and emerging technologies, such as proficiency in SQL, Excel, Tableau, or programming language.
Obtaining certificates as a Project Management Professional (PMP) demonstrates the skills you can have in a certain industry-specific topic.