Blog Career Development How to define your career goal in five steps

How to define your career goal in five steps

Career Development
Jun 9, 2022
Man in suit reading documents

Defining your professional goal is the first step to success. In principle, it will allow you to establish short-term goals that will help you achieve your dream and grow during the process. Remember that achieving your goals depends on you; for that reason, you must be proactive to find the right path.

Whether you are starting your work life or have been working for a while, there will always be goals to achieve. But it will be impossible to reach those milestones if you are not sure of the steps you must take to get there. Once you have defined your professional goal, try to organize all your ideas.

It is essential that you value your tools and skills to fit in the professional quadrant that you chose. In short, it is about building our own ladder to reach the top of our careers.

Five steps to reach the goal

There is no specific formula to achieve the dreamed objective, but it is vital that you keep in mind the following:

1. Take time to think

If you are not clear about your ideas, you will hardly be able to define what you really want and in what type of company you wish to develop. Beyond desire, it is important to clarify what you aspire to achieve and align that with your skills and experience. Analyzing your interests, professional values, skills, and personality can help you base your criteria.

Seeking support from qualified counselors is always essential, evaluate your skills, and then identify the pillars of your future career.

2. Visualize your career

¿Cómo quieres verte una vez hayas alcanzado tu objetivo profesional? De la misma manera que los atletas piensan cómo será el momento cuando crucen la meta, debes pensar cómo vivirás una vez hayas alcanzado el objetivo profesional que te planteaste. Esto es determinante para establecer todas las metas y también para afrontar los contratiempos que surjan a lo largo de la carrera.

3. Create your network of friends

To promote the plan, you have to interact with people who can help you achieve your professional goal. You must take the initiative. Once you know people in the area that you are interested in, tell them what you want to be. Beyond looking for a job that brings you closer to the goal, it is better to let the right people know that you are considering a change in your career. Explain what you want in the professional area and ask for advice and opinions. For example, if you are looking to grow in the technology field, you need to get in touch with specialists in that area.

4. Develop a plan

After identifying your goal, trace the course you must follow to get there. Each goal takes time and hence the importance of establishing the necessary steps not to lose the way. It is a journey into the future where each season is determined by goals.

You should periodically review yourself, so you will mark the achievements as you progress. This will motivate you to move forward.

5. Find a mentor

A person with knowledge can be a great help to take advantage of your strengths. You can share your professional goal and provide regular updates on your progress. Ideally, talk to your mentor while you meet the deadlines of your plan.

Besides motivating you, this process of feedback will help you continue on the path until reaching the great goal.

Tips to achieve the professional goal

To sum up, your professional goal has become a statement of principles that explains your dreams. To keep you on the journey, you can follow these tips:

  • Your short-term goals must be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely.
  • Be open to adding new tools that will help you advance in your career.
  • Reward yourself after each achievement. It is important to give credit to each achieved goal because it will keep you satisfied and motivated.
  • Find friends who share your dream. That way, you’ll get feedback and impulse to do your job better, as well as support in difficult times.
  • Stay calm. The professional goal is a marathon, not a speed race.