Imagine Black invites proposals for the preparation of its yearly audited financial statements and related filings for a three-year period beginning with the 2024-25 fiscal year ending June 30. The audit of Imagine Black’s financial statements must be performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.
About Imagine Black:
Imagine Black (formerly known as PAALF Action Fund) helps our Black community imagine the alternatives we deserve and build our political participation and leadership to achieve those alternatives. Since our start in 2009, we have envisioned a world where people of African descent enjoy the rights, resources, and recognition to be a thriving, resilient, and connected community.
At Imagine Black, we have strengthened our commitment to a Black Queer Feminist (BQF) theory and practice. BQF provides a more holistic understanding of our conditions and connectedness as Black people. As a result, we understand that liberation for all Black people can only be realized by lifting up the voices and experiences and prioritizing the issues of historically silenced and vulnerable groups within Black communities - specifically, queer, trans, and GNC, femme, poor, disabled, working and undocumented people (adapted from BYP100).
Imagine Black is a 501(c)(4) multi-issue grassroots organization in partnership with our sibling 501(c)(3) organization, Imagine Black Futures, and subsidiary LLC, Imagine Black Ventures. We have a staff of eleven and an operating budget of around $3.5M.
More information about Imagine Black can be found at www.imagineblack.org
Imagine Black requires the following services:
All of the above must be completed within 120 days of the end of each fiscal year, in order for our Board to review each document prior to its submission to the appropriate recipients. In addition, Imagine Black requires that a meeting of the auditors/accountants and selected Imagine Black board and staff members be held to discuss a draft version of the financial statements and that the auditors/accountants meet at least yearly with the Finance Committee and Board of Directors.
Please direct all questions to Anna-Gaelle Marshall email (annagaelle@imagineblack.org) and those questions will be routed to the appropriate person for response. Subject title should list “Question - RFP: Audit and Tax Services for Imagine Black”
Proposals must include (preferably in the order below):
a) Evidence of the firm’s qualifications to provide the above services.
b) Background and experience in auditing nonprofit clients.
c) The size and organizational structure of the auditor’s firm.
d) Statement of the firm’s understanding of work to be performed, including tax and non-audit services.
e) A proposed timeline for fieldwork and final reporting.
f) Proposed fee structure for each of the three years of the proposal period, including whatever guarantees can be given regarding increases in future years, and the maximum fee that would be charged.
g) Describe your billing rates and procedures for technical questions that may come up during the year, or whether these occasional services are covered in the proposed fee structure.
h) Names of the partner, audit manager, and field staff who will be assigned to our audit and provide biographies.
i) A copy of your firm’s most recent peer review report, the related letter of comments, and the firm’s response to the letter of comments; and
Submission: Proposals must be submitted via the Workable online portal.
The President & Executive Director, Chief Administration & Resources Officer, Deputy Director or Finance, Board Treasurers and Finance Committees will review all proposals in May 2025 and make a recommendation regarding the choice of auditors to the full board of directors in June 2025.
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