The history of Bosch is the history of car evolution. As a top-class automotive equipment supplier, Bosch Corporation supports market expansion/inroads domestically as well as globally. Bosch will continue to pursue forward-looking technologies such as the new generation of technologies for ecology, economy and safety as well as next-generation energy technologies, to keep cars as a part of the society and of the world. With its innovative technologies, Bosch Corporation has expanded into various fields such as consumer goods and building technologies. To become a key partner for every customer. Bosch will continue to drive for greater expectations.
- 施設管理に関する副資材・サービスの購買業務(サプライヤ選定/入札/契約/見積/サプライヤ管理)
- 担当サプライヤの窓口対応
- 副資材購買エリア内の他国のメンバーとの情報交換
- Purchasing for indirect material/service for Facility Management (Supplier selection/Contracting/Purchase order/Supplier management)
- Window for responsible suppliers
- information exchange with other region members
<仕事ランク> TK3-TK5
- ビジネスレベルの英語(TOEIC700点以上)、ネイティブレベルの日本語
- 上記言語を使った円滑なコミュニケーション力・交渉力(交渉相手は海外のBosch購買部門・国内カスタマー、サプライヤーなど)
- 購買業務経験(自動車業界以外でもOK)
- 新しいことを積極的に勉強して対応するやる気
- コーディネート力のある方
- プロジェクトマネージメント能力のある方
<Job Rank> TK3-TK5 (staff level)
-Fluent in English (TOECI 700), Native level in Japanese
-Communication and negotiation skill in global teams and local customers
-Experience in purchasing
-Willing to learn and try new tasks initiatively
-Well coordination skill
-Project management skill
- ジョブローテーションが数年に一度ある為、他の担当域にもチャレンジ可能です。
- 国内担当の経験を積んだ後、スキルアップに応じて韓国等の海外担当への挑戦するチャンスもあります。
Location is planed to move to Yokoyama, Japan in 2025.
Graver Technologies, LLC
DXC Technology
Project Growth