Exceptional tutors have a winning combination of in-depth subject knowledge and an inimitable ability to communicate with young learners. We're dedicated to working with tutors who marry expert knowledge of IB & MYP syllabi with a dynamism and energy that keeps their students coming back for more, hungry to learn.
Our online tutors are responsible for delivering one-to-one tuition to our international student base. This includes preparing for sessions, making teaching plans for courses of varying duration and academic complexity to meet the student’s specific needs; running lessons, giving homework, giving the student valuable feedback; and ensuring your student completes tuition with more knowledge and confidence, ready to face the rest of their time in the IB.
The typical EIB tutor is either a current or former IB teacher and/or Examiner. This makes them excellently placed to support IB students.
If you are a high-achieving IB graduate, we welcome you to apply to our Lanterna brand. We look for those who achieved at least 40 points overall, a 7 in the subjects they tutor, are perhaps pursuing the same subject (or similar discipline) at university, and can demonstrate they've kept up-to-date with changes to their subject syllabi.