Blog Leadership Trust and Empowerment are the Cornerstones of Remote Employment

Trust and Empowerment are the Cornerstones of Remote Employment

Feb 2, 2024
empowerment when working remote

The old world is dying; at least as far as work organization is concerned. Is the office back in vogue? No. This is an episodic effect of the end of the Covid-19 crisis, with employers and managers dreaming of a return to the past. But there will be no return. As Nick Bloom, Professor of Economics at Stanford University, recently stated, "Return to the office is dead". According to him, long-term trends show that the proportion of employees working remotely will continue to grow. 

Remote jobs are not simply dusting off of old patterns. On the contrary, they represent a significant break with the past, eliminating the need for employees to be physically present, and its corollary, direct supervision. This is an unprecedented reversal of established conventions, offering workers unprecedented flexibility in terms of both time management and working methods.

As a result, rigid hierarchical structures have given way to virtual, decentralized workspaces, where autonomy is erected as a fundamental principle. This redefinition of the professional paradigm offers fertile ground for the emergence of new forms of creativity, innovation and individual empowerment.

Autonomy and Professional Development in Remote Jobs

Autonomy is defined first and foremost as freedom of action for the employee. By giving workers control over their schedules and work environment, autonomy encourages the development of self-management and planning skills. As a result, they hone their ability to set ambitious goals and prioritize their tasks, in order to achieve the desired results. 

At the same time, this freedom of action encourages continuous learning. Remote jobs require almost constant training, both to maintain a high level of competence and to adapt to rapid changes in the market. This proactive approach undoubtedly encourages employees' professional development, which in turn benefits the company.

Empowerment and Trust

When working remotely, the question of empowerment plays a fundamental role. In this form of work organization, employees are given greater autonomy and delegated significant responsibilities. In other words, the whole way the company operates is based on the notion of trust. It is the cornerstone of remote working relationships. 

And this is far from insignificant. Indeed, trust acts as a catalyst, enabling employees to flourish in their tasks. They are valued by their superiors. This professional recognition in turn stimulates commitment and promotes a results-oriented work culture. 

Ultimately, empowerment feeds a virtuous circle in which growing trust between stakeholders strengthens collaboration. Greater trust on the part of managers means greater commitment on the part of employees. The result is a working climate that stimulates innovation and the achievement of professional objectives.

The Making of Synergies 

Empowerment, trust and professional development are therefore three sides of the same triangle. But joining them is not without its challenges. Lack of physical presence, for example, can make it difficult to build solid relationships and transmit the non-verbal signals that often reinforce trust. What's more, managing autonomy can sometimes lead to conflicts between the individual flexibility granted to employees and the objectives defined by the company. 

To make the most of synergies, we need to act on several levels. First and foremost, effective communication practices are a prerequisite for a clear flow of information between managers and employees. 

It is also essential to establish clear expectations in terms of empowerment and autonomy. The idea is to set precise objectives while allowing the necessary freedom to achieve them. Training in remote management, the creation of a corporate culture based on trust, and regular recognition of individual achievements can also reinforce these synergies and overcome potential obstacles.

Finding the right balance

By combining these three elements in a balanced way and integrating them into the organizational culture, companies can create a remote working environment where autonomy, empowerment and trust reinforce each other to boost commitment, productivity and professional growth.