Blog Self development The reason why positive attitude is so important at work

The reason why positive attitude is so important at work

Self development
Jun 9, 2022
Team gathered at a cheerful and good-humoured desk

Organizations value the attitude of employees as much as their skills. The willingness of workers is a sign that they are aligned with the culture of the company. Also, it is a decisive impulse to achieve the goals set in the projects, as well as to overcome daily tasks. Optimism, perseverance, motivation, and desire for improvement are the principles that companies want to combine in the work environment.

The Dutch Víctor Küppers, lecturer, former vice president of Barna Consulting Group, and Research Assistant at IESE, explains that people focus on acquiring knowledge and developing skills to be better professionals. But he emphasizes that the value of people is not projected in a curriculum. In his theory of the " light bulb effect ", he summarizes that attitude is what really makes the difference.

Küppers presents his theory in this simple equation: V=(K+S)xA.

In this statement, V represents "Value," K is "Knowledge," S means "Skills," and A is the equivalent of "Attitude." In summary, the author emphasizes that Attitude is the multiplying factor of skills and knowledge; it is what makes us shine.

In the workplace, the success rate is high when there is a positive attitude among the team members.

Positive attitude above all

Cultivating a positive attitude helps make your work more enjoyable. No doubt it is necessary if we take into account that we spend many hours of the day focused on the work area. Therefore, it is key to stay optimistic and willing to collaborate with our colleagues.

Besides, it is crucial to assess your achievements and observe how your work has influenced the company. But you also need to take these aspects into account:

  • Recognize the profile of your position, to understand the requirements and skills your function demands. That is essential to direct efforts and make the work better every day.
  • Know the philosophy of the company, its structure, and its policy. If you chose that organization, it was because it is aligned with your principles.
  • Setting goals that help you progress is your work evolution. Beyond complying, you must develop as a professional.

Fixed mindset and growth mindset

A study from Stanford University, led by experienced psychologist Carol Dweck, shows that attitude is a better predictor of your success than your emotional intelligence.

The research found that the main attitudes of people fall into two categories: fixed mindset or growth mindset. In the first case, the individual does not have the willingness to change, which affects their performance because they feel overwhelmed by challenges that overcome them. In the second case, the person is confident that by striving, they can grow and overcome any problem.

One of the aspects that Dweck highlights is how to deal with failure. People with a growth mindset assume failure as information and then try new methods. In short, the decisive factor in working life is how you handle challenges.

Here we summarise some strategies that will strengthen your positive attitude:

  • Do not feel helpless. Ask for help, try all methods to achieve the goal. You must be willing to fail to then use the experience and recover.
  • Be passionate. This is one of the elements that define the right attitude. Passion drives you to seek excellence.
  • Take action. This prevents you from paralyzing by anxiety in the face of great challenges. People with the right attitude know that there is no perfect moment to move forward and they always put all their energy to solve problems.
  • Make an extra effort. That will help you recognize that your limits go beyond what you believe.

An employee that has the experience and tools to perform a position but that is not willing to fulfill tasks and work as a team is worth nothing. Therefore, you must eliminate some bad practices:

  • Avoid negative attitudes.
  • Do not look for failures in others.
  • Avoid being too rigid.
  • Do not magnify the problems.
  • Do not take your ego to work.
  • Avoid dragging your personal life to professional affairs.
  • Treat your colleagues as friends.