Blog Digital Nomad Digital nomads are redefining the notion of a professional career

Digital nomads are redefining the notion of a professional career

Digital Nomad
Dec 11, 2023
digital nomad way of working

The way we look at the concept of a professional career is about to change, thanks to digital nomads.

 The transformations currently taking place in the world of work are redefining its very meaning. Dissatisfied with their professional lives and in search of meaning, many are now aspiring to prioritize their well-being and honor their personal values. 

This paradigm shift is redefining the very notion of career. As noted by Danièle Linhart, sociologist and director of research at the CNRS1, "Our relationship with work is changing. Young people have the ability to distance themselves from traditional criteria of success, achievement and career, to introduce new precepts of their own, notably linked to the question of meaning and intellectual, social and environmental enrichment."

The explosion in the number of digital nomads over the last three years is a perfect illustration of this trend. They are undoubtedly overturning conventional work norms and radically redefining expectations in terms of career and professional success.

The appeal of digital nomadism

The appeal of digital nomadism is easy to explain. The formula has the great advantage of combining work, travel and encounters with new cultures. Like all remote workers, of which they are a special category, they are free to choose their working environment. For them, all options are open, whether it's a beach paradise, a café nestled in a major metropolis, or a quiet little town.

Giving new meaning to the notion of career

Contrary to the idea that a successful career is synonymous with constant progression within a company, nomadic workers value flexibility, independence and diversity of experience.

  1. Flexibility first and foremost

For digital nomads, this is priority number 1. Flexibility is paramount, whether it's a matter of choosing projects, working hours or location. They adapt their careers to their needs and preferences, rather than the other way round.

  1. Diversity of experience

Why work for a single company when you can diversify your professional experience? Many digital nomads prefer to diversify their experience in order to gain a wide range of skills. Gone are the days of working for a single company in a single industry. This allows them to enrich their careers, which can then be deployed in multiple dimensions.

  1. Work-life balance

Being in control of your own schedule and choices also means having the leverage to balance your personal and professional life. A digital nomad's path is above all a carefully thought-out division between work and leisure (and family for those who care). The aim: to make the most of the best of both worlds. 

The advantages/disadvantages trade-off

Of course, this is not a description of a paradise-like life. Digital nomadism is not without its challenges. These are numerous, and must be weighed against the advantages (geographical freedom, diversification of experiences, continuous learning) provided by this lifestyle.


  • Isolation: The digital nomad working solo can quickly become overwhelmed by a sense of isolation that can affect his or her health and well-being.
  • Administrative complexities: Visas, taxes and insurance are all obligations that can quickly turn into a headache when you're constantly traveling the globe. So much to think about before you travel.
  • Financial instability: the income of nomadic workers can vary considerably from one period to the next. A situation you need to anticipate.

Digital nomads: a major trend

Despite these obstacles, the number of digital nomads worldwide continues to grow. Far from being a passing trend, their influence is now felt far beyond their own circle. They are proof that the concept of a professional career is taking on a whole new meaning. It is no longer acceptable to sacrifice one's life to professional imperatives. A demand that is now widespread. 

Of course, digital nomadism is not for everyone. It does, however, encourage each and every one of us to think about how we wish to conduct our own careers, and to what standards we are prepared to adhere to. And that's not the least of its merits. 04/15/2022